Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sad and Disappointed

This morning I went in for labs to get my estradiol levels checked to make sure we can continue with our cycle as planned.  I was told that if my levels aren't high enough, it's possible that they might cancel the cycle at this point.  Despite hearing this, I never really thought this would happen.

I waited and waited for my doctor's office to give me a call this afternoon with my lab results.  3:00 rolled around and I still hadn't heard from them.  I sent them a message via the patient portal and my nurse quickly responded with, "I'm visiting with Dr. Brabec about your results.  I'll call you soon."  When I saw that, I had the feeling the results weren't good.  She called me a few minutes later and told me that my levels were really low.  I guess they're supposed to be between 100 and 400 and mine were at 40.  She said she thought my body was "over-suppressed" from the Lupron and that I would probably require a lower dose.  She then told me that if we were to continue with this cycle, I probably wouldn't have very many eggs for the retrieval.

So, basically, they want to stop everything now and start over.  Not only do I have to stop taking all my shots, but I also have to go back on birth control.  I can't begin to tell you how sad and disappointed I am.  I really thought I would be having my retrieval surgery next week.  Now I'm being told, it may not happen until the last week of November.  I understand that if my body isn't reacting properly, this is the best thing to do right now, but it just sucks.  A LOT.

They're supposed to call me again tomorrow so we can get things figured out.  We'll see what happens...

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