Thursday, December 13, 2012

We're Prego!

It's official.  I'm pregnant!  I had my first beta yesterday.  My hCG levels were 231.  This is a great number!  I was thrilled to get the call from my nurse around 11 AM yesterday, though I must admit...I kind of cheated.  I took a home pregnancy test Tuesday morning.  It was the morning before my beta and I was just laying in bed going back and forth with myself as to whether I should go pee on a stick.  Finally, I decided I was going to do it.  It was 14 days past my Ovidrel trigger, so all the hCG that's in that shot would have been out of my system.  Sure enough, after waiting the three minutes for the digital reader to show up...I saw the word "Pregnant."  I instantly became giddy.  I honestly couldn't stop smiling the entire time I was getting ready.

I came home for lunch (which I NEVER do) so I could tell the hubby.  I told him I wasn't feeling well and that I was going to take the afternoon off.  Earlier that morning, I wrapped up the pregnancy test (after wiping it down with a Clorox wipe) with a book I bought him almost a year ago called "Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad!"  As we sat down to eat lunch, I told him I had an early Christmas present for him.  I had him open the bag.  He saw the book first and I don't really think he knew what to think.  Then I told him there was something else in there.  He found the positive pregnancy test and I saw a look of relief take over his face.  He had been feeling really anxious all day long and I think it was safe to say he was happy to hear (or should I saw SEE) the good news.

Of course the beta yesterday just confirmed everything.  I go back again tomorrow to see if my number has doubled.  Then I'll go in again on Tuesday.  I'm so excited!  I just want to tell everyone...but of course, it's too early for that.  So, instead I'll just tell the Internet (this is an anonymous blog).  So, blog world strangers...WE'RE PREGO!!!

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